You are the Forecaster
For all who seek guidance in weather and forecasting, for business and personal use.
This is not your ordinary weather forecasting course!
You (yes you) are the forecasters here!
Your increasing knowledge and advancing observational skills will be brought to you, through online courses, personal stories, graphics, and content.
You might know more than you think you know, at the same time find out that there is so much more you can learn. Welcome to Holistic Weather Forecasting.
MBConant The ol’ prognosticator.
"Today is the harbenger of tomorrow's weather"
No need for fancy equipment
Equipment use is allowed, but most of the courses rely more on observation, tracking and increasing your weather knowledge.
Step by step learning
Every course and every adventure will bring you closer to the intimate connection with weather forecasting.
You will never look at the sky the same way again!
The more you involve yourself with the way of weather, the more you will see two three, and more days of weather in a single view, the past will reveal itself, today will be your dashboard, and tomorrow will be known.
I am the Old Prognosticator
Looking at all those years of weather maps and forecasting. I have developed a keen sense of what to expect the "influencers" to do to move the systems around.
It’s been a great experience to follow the quirky sayings in “the Famers Almanac” and learned that most of the “Weather Lore” if not fully, holds a large portion of truth in what the weather will do next.
Historical weather sayings are all based in observations of occurrences.
The over 50 years of experience, I now give as online courses that help people go from weather readers to weather forecasters.
Today, I will learn something new about the weather, tomorrow you will know about it.
Michael Conant
Some of the courses available
The more you understand the weather the better equipped to be ahead of the weather.